Monday, October 3, 2011

For Young Ladies - Two books

Two books for young ladies: Joyfully at Home by Jasmine Baucham and Preparing to be a Help Meet by Debi Pearl.

Many young ladies spend their time pining away for their one true love and then suddenly they are married. But are they prepared? Now is the time to be prepared while they are still teenagers and still at home.

Jasmine Baucham in her book talks about continuing to stay home after high school. She is taking online college classes but she is available to help her father and her mother. She is the oldest in her family with several younger siblings. She considers her time with her family as preparation for her future family. Joyfully at Home is on Facebook if you are interested in this book or Jasmine Baucham.

Debi Pearl's book Preparing to be a Help Meet is ideal for a mother-daughter study or even a small girls' group study. There are 18 chapters with questions at the end of each chapter for self reflection. There is a guide for each chapter for a leader. There is even a web-site that answers questions that you might have as you study each chapter: No Greater Joy Ministries, which Michael & Debi Pearl are the founders, is also on Facebook.

Preparation for marriage is important. Both of these books lay down Biblical principles which is necessary in today's culture.

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