Sunday, June 21, 2009

Two Trees of Knowledge

Two Trees of Knowledge by Diane Dekker is a book that convicts Christian parents to be true to the Christian faith. It is a biblical case for the separation of school and state. This book includes ten chapters. At the end of each chapter there is a Bible study. Diane Dekker takes a hard look at public education using Scriptures. There are alternatives. But these alternatives do require much commitment. Christian schools require tuition and homeschooling demands much time. Malachi 2: 15 says, "Has not the Lord made them (marriage partners) one? In flesh and spirit they are His. And why one? Because He was seeking godly offspring." As Christian parents, the single most important job we have is to raise our children to be godly men and women. That is the highest priority of our lives. This book I have included in the S.V.H.E. library to remind us of why we, the parents, are homeschooling our children.

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